Children too are a gift from the LORD, The fruit of the womb, A reward. – Psalm 127:3

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Quick Update Schedule

So here are my E2 levels from the start.
11/16- 286
11/18- 728
11/21- 2,271
11/22- 2,784
11/23- 4,232
Tomorrow morning, 11/24, I have to be at the Hospital at 7 am to prep for Egg Retrieval at 8am. I start Progesterone shots tomorrow as well as Medrol and some other pill ha! I found out today that I will have to have a cervical stitch. I assume this is because I have a tilted uterus, but not sure. Tuesday, 11/29 at 2pm is the current time we are doing our Transfer. The time could be earlier, we just have to stick to our phones. 
Now I am getting nervous!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for letting me know about your blog. I'm now up to date !! Good luck for Tuesday!!
