Children too are a gift from the LORD, The fruit of the womb, A reward. – Psalm 127:3

Thursday, July 24, 2014


Yesterday morning, I had my supression check and ultrasound. Blood work came back great-estrogen level was at 58. So my new schedule was written up. I lessened my Lupron from 10 units to 5 units a day, until we are done with the transfer. Today was my first IM injection of Estradiol (.01). I do another on Saturday. Then on July 29 and Aug 2, I do .02 on the Estradiol. Monday Aug 4, I go in for another ultrasound and bloodwork. If all goes well, I will have 5 IM injections of PIO before transfer, the week of Aug 11. So glad that things are going so well!

Monday, July 07, 2014

Baby Hocker 2.0

Well, we had decided to go forward with Surrogacy-all I needed to do was continue to lose some more weight. I've been struggling with the same few lbs since Thanksgiving and it is so frustrating. I got a treadmill for mother's day, and it has helped, but I need to change my eating habits even more. So back to my reason for this post. I am just about 5 lbs over what I need to be to do an IVF for ourselves again. So we have opted to go forward with our own transfer. I still hope to do 1 surrogacy by the time I am 30. That will give me enough time to hopefully have a healthy second pregnancy, give birth, lose weight and begin.

Our original plan was to attempt our 2nd and final IVF cycle in 2015. But we feel that the perfect time is now. We had our first appointment with Dr Hill on June 18. Of course, he said lose about 5-7 more lbs and everything would be great to start. I have been on BC and doxycycline since Thursday, July 3rd. Ben has to take the doxycycline as well. My schedule is as followed:
7/14-Begin 10 units of Lupron every morning  (continue this until day after my suppression check)
7/20- Last day for BC
7/23-Suppression check at 8am )if everything looks good, Lurpon is lowered to 5 units a day)
7/24-Begin Estrace/Estradiol Valerate
8/4-Ultrasound and Estradiol level check

Our trasnsfer is set for the week of August 11 if all goes well. I go this Wed, the 9th to make sure I have no polyps or anything that would delay my cycle )called a hydrosonogram) . They will also be checking my Vit D levels. I have started on a supplement in hopes to have my levels up high enough. I also am starting pre-natal vitamins and folic acid again.

The price is much cheaper than we expected this time around. $3850, plus about $500 in medicine. Walgreens will be calling me early this week to let us know what insurance might cover and delivery should be for Thursday.

I am excited, but extremely nervous this time around. More-so than the first. We have a 70% chance that the 1 remaining embryo will un-thaw properly, and a 30-40% chance that it will latch and be a viable pregnancy. I pray for God's will to be done. Just like our first cycle, if it's meant to be, it's meant to be. If not, we have a beautiful, smart almost 2 year old who has changed our lives for the better. And if we do become pregnant, we will be beyond thrilled. To feel a child in my belly again would be a huge blessing. So please keep us in your prayers :)