Callie is usually a fairly active baby anywhere from say, 11pm-2am. That's when daddy lays is hand on my belly and feels her crazy movement, what he calls at time, her drum rolls.Well, Sunday night, she just wasn't moving. The last movement we remember/felt was around 7:30 while we were eating dinner at BDubs. At first I thought she might just be tired, but after a bit, it started to worry us more. Ben got me a bottle of cold water-nothing. I swapped to my other side...nothing. So I started to shake my belly around...and we got nothing. That made us super nervous, especially after all the things we went through to get to where we are today. I remember feeling a few random "pushes" through the night but still to her usual movement. So Monday I called my nurse and was sent for an ultrasound. Callie looked fantastic. She is an estimated 7lbs12oz, heart rate of 170(this has been her highest by 2bmp). I was a bit low on amniotic fluid-7cm-but Dr Wingo said that is was the low side of still being ok. I gained 8lbs in 6 days, and also had more than just trace amounts of protein in my urine. No change in dilation or effacement, but a slightly higher BP than normal for me, so they ordered some blood work. I was told not to eat or drink for the next 2 hours, or until I got my results back. Thankfully all came back well. I was told to call at any sign of dizziness, headache, blurred vision or to go to triage if after hours.
Tuesday morning I woke up, did a small trip to the grocery, came home, did a load of laundry, had some cereal and watched tv, but I was feeling nauseous on and off. So after eating lunch, I called Beth to let her know and she said to head to triage to get checked out. So I called Ben, he picked me up, and we checked in. I was on the monitor for about 2 hours, we loved hearing Callie for so long! My BP went down some, still a tad high for me, but it was normal and no reason for us to worry. So they sent me home. At about 9:30 pm I went pee, to find that I had lost a huge chunk(or shall I say 3 chunks) of mucus plug. Of course that doesn't mean labor is in the next 24 hours, but it is soon at least. As of now, I go for another ultrasound Thursday at 1, the OB after. Monday I will go back to the OB to discuss induction if Callie doesn't make her appearance before then.
So here is to continued good luck and a healthy pregnancy...We can't wait to meet Callie...and everything we go through is totally worth it!!!
Update since I started this post last night...I woke up to pee around 6:30 and my panties were pretty wet. But not enough to wet the mattress...So my water is leaking! I wiped and there was pinkish discharge.I called the on call Dr since I wasn't having contractions and he said all is normal, but to wait to come in until my contractions were consistent. So I changed panties and not 5 minutes later, they were wet again, so I got a pad, went pee and wiped--more discharge but with tiny streaks of blood. Then in the toilet, there were 2 or 3 dark red clots, what I assume was just old bloody chunks of mucus plug. My nurse will be in the office at 9, so I will call to discuss it with her. But seems like she will be here by her due date. I am super nervous and excited. So to keep me busy, I'm going to vacuum downstairs, and maybe put up the clean dishes. If contractions get consistent and painful, I may hop in the hot shower. Update later :)
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