Well, we have had an eventful past 2 weeks, to say the least. We are now a very happy family of 3, 4 counting our dog! Let me update you on everything to birth, then I plan to start a new blog, mostly to remind me of all the things Callie does, later in life.
The morning after I lost my mucus plus, I woke up to pee and noticed I was leaking fluid. I hadn't peed myself, because I had just went 2 hours before. I had bloody streaked discharge as well. So I called the on call Dr and he said since I wasn't having consistent contractions, to stay home and wait until they were closer. I decided to call my nurse once the office opened just to get a second opinion. They sent me to Triage since my water was leaking just to get monitored. They were worried that the baby could suffocate if I leaked too much fluid. So Cynthia, Ben's mother, got here about 11:30 and we headed to the hospital (I vacuumed and did some other last minute cleaning as well as got a long hot shower while she drove here) Ben met us there(he was working) and we got signed in. After the million and one questions they ask you, they check my cervix and I had dilated to 4 and 80% effaced. that was 2cm and 20%more than 2 days prior at my OB checkup!! But I wasn't super hopeful bc I still wasn't feeling any contractions.
At 4:30, I was between 4 & 5 cm dilated. Contractions were getting stronger, but nothing I couldn't handle, or still feel for the most part. So after the nurse spoke with the Dr, they said I could either stay or go home and wait. We decided to stay. After admitting me to labor and delivery and switching me to my room, I had to sit forever on IV fluids and having my Bp checked. The plan was to let me go natural as I wanted. If by midnight I hadn't progressed anymore, they would break my water and start Pitocin. At 9;30, I wasn't making any progress and the pain was to the point I was crying-So I went ahead and got the epidural and Dr Moran came in to break my water at 9:45pm. Ben had went to eat dinner with his Father and Brother, so he missed this process, which made me cry even more. I took an hour nap after he returned and they came to start Pitocin at 12:30am. I was dilate to 6 and 85-90% effaced. I took another nap around 2-not feeling the contractions let me relax much more and I'm glad I got it. At 6:15 am, it was time to push..I missed 3 contractions of pushing, I needed to get a good breath...But at 7:23am, Callie Rae Hocker made her first appearance into the world. She weighed 7lbs10oz, 19.5 inches long and had a head full of dark hair!! We couldn't be more excited!!
Here are some photos of her first few days, going home and meeting our furbaby, Millie. I look a hot mess...So just look at her :)
The epidural let me enjoy the majority of labor! |
Last photo of us, as a family of 2 |
She is here!!! |
So happy my baby girl is here!! |
Family of 3...We are in LOVE! |
Momma's very first kiss |
First time Daddy held Callie |
Trying to feed her...Nana was a great supporter |
Proud Nana (Ben's mom) |
Daddy was exhausted. He didn't sleep for 2 days straight! |
Proud Papa (Ben's Dad) |
Meeting Uncle Jonny (Ben's Brother) |
Getting her vitals checked...She wasn't happy about it! |
All cleaned up and fixing to snuggle with Momma |
Ready to go home for the first time!!! |
Welcome Home Callie Rae! We've been waiting!! |
Millie meeting Callie....She wanted to lick her face a lot! |
So excited to meet her baby sister!! | | |
Meeting AnJerika for the first time (Her cousin) |
First time meeting MiMi (My Mom) |
Millie was so curious! |
First sponge bath at home...loves getting her hair washed |
But she HATES getting her body washed! |
She loves her swing :) |
Such a cutie! |
She is perfect! I couldn't be more in love! |
Daddy is already wrapped around her little finger! |
First time in the stroller for a walk around the neighborhood |