Children too are a gift from the LORD, The fruit of the womb, A reward. – Psalm 127:3

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

6 weeks and 2 days

Today we had our first ultrasound at NFC at 10:30. Nervous and Excited doesn't even begin to describe how we were feeling yesterday! I didn't sleep very well, that's for sure!!

Our new due date is Aug 20. So so so excited! Our little baby's heart beat was at 129 bpm. It was so amazing hearing it too! This made it all real! I go back in 2 weeks for my 2nd ultrasound. After this, I am done with the Fertility Clinic!! yay :) Then the week after that is my first appointment with my OB. So very blessed and excited!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Beta, Beta, Bo-beta!

Well all 3 of my beta tests are complete.
12-12: 894
12-14: 2348
12-16: 5353

We are definitely pregnant and couldn't be more blessed!!! And more excited!! I am having typical symptoms right, including tender breast, tiredness, light cramping and always being hungry. No morning sickness yet, but there have been a few times I felt like I could puke a bit. Hopefully I never have to deal with that. Ben said he could tell the same week of the transfer that I was pregnant. I wasn't sure, bc you can make yourself feel pregnant if you want it bad enough lol
Today I am 5w1d. August 17th is going to come so fast, I already can tell. Now all the fun begins, continuing to work on our names list, registries and all that jazz. I want it to be a surprise at birth on the sex, but I want to have the nursery all decorated before hand so I think we more than likely will find out lol. I'm impatient at times!
Our first ultrasound is scheduled on Tuesday December 27th!!! We can't wait to see our sweet little squishy!!! I think that will be its name until we find out!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

We're Pregnant!!!

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Well, yesterday, 12-12-11, I went for my blood work to see if little Hocker was on it's way. Sure is!!! My beta came back at 894! Kelli said wow it's high, but that it was a good thing. I go bacin tomorrow, 12-14 for another beta just to make sure all is well.

I can't believe it though! We are finally having a baby. Wow! My due date is around August 17th, 2012. Of course it will change a bit once I start going to the ob-gyn. I just don't know what to say.

I took this 12-12-11 while waiting for my results from the clinic. I waited to test the entire 2 weeks!

Thursday, December 01, 2011

Last Update until 12/12

I got the last of my blood work done today, until the actual pregnancy test on 12/12. My E2 level was 523 and my Progesterone level is 31. Kelli, my nurse, said both levels are great and I should continue with my 1cc progesterone shot every night. Now we wait for 11 days. Soooo nervous! But sooo excited :)