The Life of A New Mom
We have overcome infertility through IVF. Now enjoy the ride as I share our lives as new parents.
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Yesterday morning, I had my supression check and ultrasound. Blood work came back great-estrogen level was at 58. So my new schedule was written up. I lessened my Lupron from 10 units to 5 units a day, until we are done with the transfer. Today was my first IM injection of Estradiol (.01). I do another on Saturday. Then on July 29 and Aug 2, I do .02 on the Estradiol. Monday Aug 4, I go in for another ultrasound and bloodwork. If all goes well, I will have 5 IM injections of PIO before transfer, the week of Aug 11. So glad that things are going so well!
Monday, July 07, 2014
Baby Hocker 2.0
Well, we had decided to go forward with Surrogacy-all I needed to do was continue to lose some more weight. I've been struggling with the same few lbs since Thanksgiving and it is so frustrating. I got a treadmill for mother's day, and it has helped, but I need to change my eating habits even more. So back to my reason for this post. I am just about 5 lbs over what I need to be to do an IVF for ourselves again. So we have opted to go forward with our own transfer. I still hope to do 1 surrogacy by the time I am 30. That will give me enough time to hopefully have a healthy second pregnancy, give birth, lose weight and begin.
Our original plan was to attempt our 2nd and final IVF cycle in 2015. But we feel that the perfect time is now. We had our first appointment with Dr Hill on June 18. Of course, he said lose about 5-7 more lbs and everything would be great to start. I have been on BC and doxycycline since Thursday, July 3rd. Ben has to take the doxycycline as well. My schedule is as followed:
7/14-Begin 10 units of Lupron every morning (continue this until day after my suppression check)
7/20- Last day for BC
7/23-Suppression check at 8am )if everything looks good, Lurpon is lowered to 5 units a day)
7/24-Begin Estrace/Estradiol Valerate
8/4-Ultrasound and Estradiol level check
Our trasnsfer is set for the week of August 11 if all goes well. I go this Wed, the 9th to make sure I have no polyps or anything that would delay my cycle )called a hydrosonogram) . They will also be checking my Vit D levels. I have started on a supplement in hopes to have my levels up high enough. I also am starting pre-natal vitamins and folic acid again.
The price is much cheaper than we expected this time around. $3850, plus about $500 in medicine. Walgreens will be calling me early this week to let us know what insurance might cover and delivery should be for Thursday.
I am excited, but extremely nervous this time around. More-so than the first. We have a 70% chance that the 1 remaining embryo will un-thaw properly, and a 30-40% chance that it will latch and be a viable pregnancy. I pray for God's will to be done. Just like our first cycle, if it's meant to be, it's meant to be. If not, we have a beautiful, smart almost 2 year old who has changed our lives for the better. And if we do become pregnant, we will be beyond thrilled. To feel a child in my belly again would be a huge blessing. So please keep us in your prayers :)
Our original plan was to attempt our 2nd and final IVF cycle in 2015. But we feel that the perfect time is now. We had our first appointment with Dr Hill on June 18. Of course, he said lose about 5-7 more lbs and everything would be great to start. I have been on BC and doxycycline since Thursday, July 3rd. Ben has to take the doxycycline as well. My schedule is as followed:
7/14-Begin 10 units of Lupron every morning (continue this until day after my suppression check)
7/20- Last day for BC
7/23-Suppression check at 8am )if everything looks good, Lurpon is lowered to 5 units a day)
7/24-Begin Estrace/Estradiol Valerate
8/4-Ultrasound and Estradiol level check
Our trasnsfer is set for the week of August 11 if all goes well. I go this Wed, the 9th to make sure I have no polyps or anything that would delay my cycle )called a hydrosonogram) . They will also be checking my Vit D levels. I have started on a supplement in hopes to have my levels up high enough. I also am starting pre-natal vitamins and folic acid again.
The price is much cheaper than we expected this time around. $3850, plus about $500 in medicine. Walgreens will be calling me early this week to let us know what insurance might cover and delivery should be for Thursday.
I am excited, but extremely nervous this time around. More-so than the first. We have a 70% chance that the 1 remaining embryo will un-thaw properly, and a 30-40% chance that it will latch and be a viable pregnancy. I pray for God's will to be done. Just like our first cycle, if it's meant to be, it's meant to be. If not, we have a beautiful, smart almost 2 year old who has changed our lives for the better. And if we do become pregnant, we will be beyond thrilled. To feel a child in my belly again would be a huge blessing. So please keep us in your prayers :)
Friday, October 18, 2013
May I Carry Your Child?
I have always wanted to have children, for as long as I can remember. Ben and I have finally succeeded, and have a beautiful little girl. We are so thankful to God, modern science, and family. Without them, we never would have gotten the experience of a lifetime.
With that being said, we have decided to move on to a new chapter in our life. Although we hope to have one more child, we are putting our family growth on hold, to hopefully bring life and blessings to another couple, who cannot conceive on their own, or carry a pregnancy to term. We're talking about Surrogacy! I have opted to be a Gestational Surrogate, which is where I carry the couples embryo, so the child will have no blood relation to me. I will be going through the entire IVF process again. The company we have picked to work with is based in Chicago, so for 3 appointments I will have to travel there, and I will be close enough (within an hour) to visit with my grandparents and other family members, which is great! I have answered the pre-qualifying questionnaire, and been contacted by an advocate, who is in the process of getting together and sending me paperwork and more information packets. I still need to lose another 50 lbs (or very close to that) to begin the process or actually starting injections and doing the transfer, but knowing that I am a great canidate motivates me even more to lose faster than I currently am. (hey-51 lbs to date is a FANTASTIC acheivement!)
The process is sort of like adoption, from what I have heard about it. Ben and I will chose a couple who we find interesting and want to help out, based on their life book they make. We learn about who they are, what they do, how long they have tried to conceive, and other things like that! At some point, we will meet the couple, and they then decide if they want to work with us. Once we have been paired with a couple, the process begins! All of my appointments after the transfer will be here in Nashville with my OB and birth will be at my hospital.
Some may ask why we want to do this. Why would we want to go through an entire pregnancy and give a baby to someone. Why would we want to put ourself through a tough and emotional situation. Well, why wouldn't we? We personally know what it is like to not be able to have a child on our own, to try and try, and never get those 2 pink lines on that test. We know the heart break month after month when my menstrual cycle starts. We want to give others the joy we got on August 16, 2012. The joy of life in their arms. A piece of them that will grow up and go into the world and make it their own. We want to make another couple's dream come true of having their own child.
I know it will be emotionally the hardest thing I have ever done, to go 9 months carrying a child that isn't going home with me (or 2-that is a possibility, as well is triplets, which they can then choose to terminate one), but I have such a strong support system, that I am willing to take this chance.
For now, this all I have to share. There are tons of thoughts going through my head. My heart pounds when I think about the, hopefully near, future and what it entails. But I am so very excited in the next chapter of our life. I truly believe I was meant to do this. I believe God planned on us having to go through our own IVF cycle, so that I would decide that surrogacy is what I wanted to do with my life.
I am asking for prayers for us. Pray that I safely lose the rest of this weight, that we find the right family for us, that Ben and I continue to have a strong, loving relationship through the process, that we have a healthy pregnancy when the time comes, and that the potential family takes home their little blessing(s) one day. I apologize if this sounds like a bunch of rambling, but I wanted to share.
Callie is 1 already!
So, our sweet girl turned 1 on August 16. Words cannot explain how happy and sad I was that day. I was so happy to see how much Callie had grown and learned in what felt like a short amount of time, but I was so sad at how fast the year had blown by. In a year, she learned how to
*sit up on her own
*roll from back to belly and back again
*walk (by 9 months!!)
*eat on her own
*say momma, dada, hi and nana
*blow kisses
*hug your neck
*help put stuff away or in the trash
*bring you a certain item you asked for, such as her baby or sippy cup
*point to her nose, eyes and stick out her tongue
I am sure that there are many other things she learned along the way, but I won't type everything out! We could be here all day! She had 8 teeth by age 1 (and 4 molars by 13 months old), and she has yet to get a hair cut. I love her little ringlet curls and can't make myself cut them off! Not even just a trim!
I cant say enough how blessed I am to be this little girls mom. She makes me realize that nothing else in the world matters, except love. And I love her more than anything. I catch myself smiling at her throughout the day, for no reason, other than the fact that she is a part of me, living and learning and exploring all the things around her. She looks at the world, and daddy and I, in amazement, and warms our soul. I thank God for her daily. She has made me a better person!
I can't wait to see where she is at age 2-it will be here before you know it! I am super excited for her to start talking in sentences, playing tag, doing fun crafts together, and playing dress up! Fun times are coming our way!!
Until next time.... (which could be a while, as my last post was in Feb-but hey, we've sold a house and moved since then, so it's ok! We've been busy living life)
Here are a few photos from this year. Follow me on instagram for daily photos! brittanie_hocker :)
Friday, February 22, 2013
Teething SUCKS!
The title says it all! This past week has been horrible. Our sweet baby girl has not been herself. Both of her bottom teeth are coming in, and for the past week, sleep-Well, what is that?! She refused to sleep anywhere other than right next to Momma, and she would toss and turn all night, waking multiple times (sometimes being up for an hour or more). Of course, Mom and Dad were exhausted, but we are her parents and we are dedicated to doing anything and everything that will make her happy. We tried Tylenol, cold teethers, teething tablets, ice cubes. All that good stuff.
Then of course, Tuesday she got her shots (16lbs 7oz and 26.5 in long!) and that made her feel even worse. She ended up with a fever for 2.5 days. It got up to 101.7, then came back down, resulting in a happier baby with a runny nose. She has never had bad reaction to shots, so I felt awful for her. I am happy to say, that last night she slept through the entire night (9:30-4:45, nursed then back to bed until 8am!). I am so glad that Callie is back to her normal self! Our smiling, laughing, rotten little girl <3
Then of course, Tuesday she got her shots (16lbs 7oz and 26.5 in long!) and that made her feel even worse. She ended up with a fever for 2.5 days. It got up to 101.7, then came back down, resulting in a happier baby with a runny nose. She has never had bad reaction to shots, so I felt awful for her. I am happy to say, that last night she slept through the entire night (9:30-4:45, nursed then back to bed until 8am!). I am so glad that Callie is back to her normal self! Our smiling, laughing, rotten little girl <3
Sunday, February 17, 2013
6 Months has come and Gone...
Callie turned 6 months old this past Saturday, and along with it came her two bottom front teeth, a baby who can sit up all on her own now, and less sleep. Where has the time gone? It feels like just yesterday that I woke up and my water was leaking. I am dying a little on the inside each day as I watch her grow and learn new things. I want her to stay my little girl forever! It gives me baby fever-I long to hold a brand new baby again, to see what they look like after 9 long months of not knowing, to snuggle and sleep the day away with them. All of it. But then again, I don't want to go through labor again, or those first few weeks of crazy bleeding and almost no sleep at all. I don't want to miss out on all the fun with Callie either.
So for now, I will spend my days singing, laughing, watching cartoons, kissing toes and cheeks, making messes with food and just loving our baby girl. She will be in kindergarten in the blink of an eye!
So for now, I will spend my days singing, laughing, watching cartoons, kissing toes and cheeks, making messes with food and just loving our baby girl. She will be in kindergarten in the blink of an eye!
Wednesday, January 09, 2013
Who Am I?
I told you it's hard to get on and blog with a baby! I think the last I did this was September!
Needless to say, I think I have become a not so fun person to be around since then. I am mean to Ben-yelling and calling names when I get frustrated after a long, trying day. I am not doing so hot at holding my temper either. I don't want Callie to hear me now, much less when she gets older and can remember.
I also am rather demanding of him when he gets home. Take out the trash or put the laundry up that I did that day...I ask, but usually it's a few times then I get mean and yell at him. I think it's because I'm stuck in the house most of the day. I only talk to the baby, clean, cook, watch some tv, and take care of the baby more. On occasion I run errands, grocery shop and go to any appointments we may have.
I don't have many friends here-most of them work full time and have no kids, so I don't have many to who can relate to me. I don't really get much sleep, and if I do, it's in a few hour increments, so I never get that deep sleep that I need. IM in desperate need of a girls night, some laughs and to be carefree. I need a massage to release all the stress I have. I need my husband to be more helpful when he comes home and realize that it's a part of being an adult.
I am also feeling like a failure because we have been supplementing with formula lately. Callie would nurse then scream like she was starving. Nothing worked..we burped her, belly massage, playing, new diaper, gripe water, gas drops, trying to get her to sleep...anything. Formula fixed it. I still tried to nurse often. She does great through the night, no bottles needed. So I bough lactation cookies, tried fenugreek, pumping, and now I am taking Reglan to help stimulate my milk glands to make more. We have cut the formula in half. She was getting 8 to 12 oz a day on top of nursing(always after nursing, 4 oz max at a time). Now she gets 3-2oz bottles a day. And I'm trying to pump immediately after she nurses, but she is very demanding of me at this point. Maybe that's a 5 month old ting that happens. And maybe that's why she cries so much more these days? A growth spurt at 5 months. And teething? I'm not sure, but I really wanted to breast feed her until 1 year, and I'm down in the dumps we are wasting money on formula all bc I can't keep my supply up. Ugh. I'm going to try and see my lactation consultant from birth next week.
I'm also packing on the pounds. I'm about 15 pounds less than what I was the day I had Callie. And I actually got down 16 pounds less than I am now before Thanksgiving. I guess with all the stress and anger I've had lately, I've just been stuffing my face. I feel lonely, I stuff my face...ugh. Why cant I have skinny jeans in my DNA?!
Don't take any of this as me saying I wish I never had Callie, because that is far from the truth. Callie is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me and my life. And so is Ben. I love them more than anything. I am just stressing myself out over stupid little things and I need to stop that. I need to be healthy for us all. And love myself.
Ok well enough with my rant. I need to go to sleep-she has been out for an hour. Remember this....

Needless to say, I think I have become a not so fun person to be around since then. I am mean to Ben-yelling and calling names when I get frustrated after a long, trying day. I am not doing so hot at holding my temper either. I don't want Callie to hear me now, much less when she gets older and can remember.
I also am rather demanding of him when he gets home. Take out the trash or put the laundry up that I did that day...I ask, but usually it's a few times then I get mean and yell at him. I think it's because I'm stuck in the house most of the day. I only talk to the baby, clean, cook, watch some tv, and take care of the baby more. On occasion I run errands, grocery shop and go to any appointments we may have.
I don't have many friends here-most of them work full time and have no kids, so I don't have many to who can relate to me. I don't really get much sleep, and if I do, it's in a few hour increments, so I never get that deep sleep that I need. IM in desperate need of a girls night, some laughs and to be carefree. I need a massage to release all the stress I have. I need my husband to be more helpful when he comes home and realize that it's a part of being an adult.
I am also feeling like a failure because we have been supplementing with formula lately. Callie would nurse then scream like she was starving. Nothing worked..we burped her, belly massage, playing, new diaper, gripe water, gas drops, trying to get her to sleep...anything. Formula fixed it. I still tried to nurse often. She does great through the night, no bottles needed. So I bough lactation cookies, tried fenugreek, pumping, and now I am taking Reglan to help stimulate my milk glands to make more. We have cut the formula in half. She was getting 8 to 12 oz a day on top of nursing(always after nursing, 4 oz max at a time). Now she gets 3-2oz bottles a day. And I'm trying to pump immediately after she nurses, but she is very demanding of me at this point. Maybe that's a 5 month old ting that happens. And maybe that's why she cries so much more these days? A growth spurt at 5 months. And teething? I'm not sure, but I really wanted to breast feed her until 1 year, and I'm down in the dumps we are wasting money on formula all bc I can't keep my supply up. Ugh. I'm going to try and see my lactation consultant from birth next week.
I'm also packing on the pounds. I'm about 15 pounds less than what I was the day I had Callie. And I actually got down 16 pounds less than I am now before Thanksgiving. I guess with all the stress and anger I've had lately, I've just been stuffing my face. I feel lonely, I stuff my face...ugh. Why cant I have skinny jeans in my DNA?!
Don't take any of this as me saying I wish I never had Callie, because that is far from the truth. Callie is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me and my life. And so is Ben. I love them more than anything. I am just stressing myself out over stupid little things and I need to stop that. I need to be healthy for us all. And love myself.
Ok well enough with my rant. I need to go to sleep-she has been out for an hour. Remember this....
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